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The Changes In My Life....

Highway and wildflowers

My life seems worthless.I felt that everyday is the same,
no changes at all. Just like I'm waiting for the end of my world.
I have no path in mylife. I'm just doing what I wanted to do.
My mind was filled with all the bad things in earth.
My life was changed by the LORD my GOD!
Before, I was an altar server in a small church.
Most of the people are thinking that I am a good boy,
they saw the goodness in my face.
But the other side of that is...
I'm BAD!
One day, a man approached me and shared me the good news
from the bible. I learned many good things from him,
and my mind was enlightened.
I learned the OPPOSITE of me.
A day after, I started to attend at their church.
The Lord showed me His face while calling my name.
On that day, God truly changed my life.
He showed me the path where should I walk to.
A lot of things has changed.
I put the bad deeds out of my life.
I have more friends in which I can share with.
In myself, I felt no guilty at all.
I've been involved in so many churches.
But now, I am committed in a church named JOHIA
(Jesus Our Hope International Assembly).
My mind and my heart that were before no reasons for existing,
are now focused in servng the Lord,
and I felt the blessings for that!
*It is not the RELIGION which is important to God,
it is your RELATION to Him!!*

Tacking Down a Memo



